Partners and Governance

SEACI was a collaboration between:

  • CSIRO (managing agency)
  • Bureau of Meteorology
  • Australian Government Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
  • Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment
  • Murray-Darling Basin Authority

Project governance was provided by a Steering Committee and Science Panel. The Steering Committee, comprising representatives of each partner agency, set and monitored the strategic direction of SEACI. The Steering Committee was supported by a Science Panel, which provided advice on implementation of the Initiative. Yearly work plans, providing guidance and direction and establishing milestones for each project, were developed by project leaders and approved by both the Science Panel and Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee and Science Panel consisted of the following members;


Phase 1

Steering Committee:
Campbell Fitzpatrick (DSE Victoria), Chris Johnston (DCCEE), Warwick McDonald (CSIRO), Neville Smith (BoM), Jody Swirepik (MDBA)

Science Panel:
Jason Alexandra (MDBA), Tom Keenan (BoM), Mike Manton (Independent expert), Michael Martin (DCCEE), Rae Moran (DSE Victoria), Graeme Pearman (Independent Chair), Glen Walker (CSIRO)


Phase 2

Steering Committee:
Jody Swirepik (MDBA), Campbell Fitzpatrick (DSE Victoria), John Higgins, Chris Johnston/Kushla Munro/Jo Mummery (DCCEE), Neville Smith (BoM), Warwick McDonald/Ian Prosser (CSIRO)

Science Panel:
Graeme Pearman (Independent Chairperson), Michael Manton (Independent expert), Jason Alexandra (MDBA), Rae Moran (DSE Victoria), Michael Martin/Michael Zuckerman/Anthony Swirepik/Alison McMorrow (DCCEE), Tom Keenan/Peter May (BoM), Glen Walker (CSIRO), Richard Beecham (NSW State Rep.), Matt Gibbs (SA State Rep.), Leigh Crocker (ACT Rep.)