Sunset with clouds


The following factsheets are suitable for the general reader. Factsheets 1 through to 4 were published in conjunction with the SEACI Phase 1 Synthesis Report. Key Findings from the South Eastern Australian Climate Initiative was published in conjunction with the SEACI Phase 2 Synthesis Report, and was intended to be used as a short brief for Ministers and policy makers.

Thumbnail of factsheet 1Factsheet 1: About the South Eastern Australian Climate Initiative | (PDF, 694 KB)



Thumbnail of factsheet 2Factsheet 2: The Millennium Drought and 2010/11 Floods | (PDF, 728 KB)



Thumbnail of factsheet 3Factsheet 3: Predicting Seasonal Climate and Streamflow | (PDF, 557 KB)



Thumbnail of factsheet 4Factsheet 4: Understanding Future Changes in Climate and Streamflow | (PDF, 737 KB)



Thumbnail of key findings factsheetFactsheet: Key Findings from the South Eastern Australian Climate Initiative (SEACI) | (PDF, 744 KB)